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코딩/Machine Learning

Machine Learning Basics

1. Machine Learning

• Limitations of explicit programming

- Spam filter: many rules

- Automatic driving: too many rules

• Machine learning: "Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed” Arthur Samuel (1959)

2. Supervised/Unsupervised learning

• Supervised learning:

- learning with labeled examples - training set

• Unsupervised learning: un-labeled data

- Google news grouping

- Word clustering

3. Supervised learning

• Most common problem type in ML

- Image labeling: learning from tagged images

- Email spam filter: learning from labeled (spam or ham) email

- Predicting exam score: learning from previous exam score and time spent

4. Types of supervised learning

• Predicting final exam score based on time spent - regression

• Pass/non-pass based on time spent

- binary classification

• Letter grade (A, B, C, E and F) based on time spent

- multi-label classification

출처 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCML9R2ol-l0Ab9OXoNnr7Lw


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